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Editor's Choice

Issue 12: Earth

Galah Issue 12 is our Earth issue. So much more than dirt, it’s the planet we walk on, the farms we rely on, the backyards we play in. Roll up the sleeves and get earthy. In Issue 12 discover how humble bricks transform into art, meet Australia's own 'da Vinci' and join writer Gina Chick as she connects with the grandmother she never knew. Celebrate Criss Canning's 60-year still-life painting legacy and immerse yourself in regional art, gardens, books and ideas—all distinctively Galah.



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Our reviewers on the best (mostly Australian) books they've pulled from the shelf in the past few months.

The heartfelt gardener

Artist and designer Lily Langham has turned a windy, hilly paddock into a deeply personal garden full of surprises.